Kosovo-Serbia conflict resolution: Call for a fresh election in the four disputed northern Kosovo municipalities 

Members:EU, France, Germany, Kosovo, Serbia
Topic:Security & Peace
Summit:2nd Summit Moldova
Date:1 Jun 2023
Type:Verbal declaration
Nature:Operational outcome
Format:Bilateral, then plurilateral
Yes (EU-facilitated Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue)

The meeting between Kosovo and Serbia with the participation of representatives of France, Germany and the EU took place during the second EPC Summit in Moldova. After the outbreak of violence in Kosovo in late May, Macron and Scholz called for new elections in four northern Kosovo municipalities. As a result of the meeting, Osmani and Vučić agreed to consider the possibility of holding new elections. The two leaders are expected to meet next week for consultations. 



Following a phone call between Prime Minister Albin Kurti and United States Deputy National Security Advisor Jon Finer and after EU member state pressure, Kosovo’s President Vjosa Osmani-Sadriu opened to the possibility of calling new elections in the north of Kosovo if 20% of voters sign a petition asking for them.
